Monday, February 28, 2005

It's Confirmed

Well after applying for some holidays I have confirmed these travel arrangements:

1. Pampalona, Barcelona, Bilbao (July 7th-14th)
Spain in the height of the European summer! Not sure if I will go overland through France or Fly there yet.
Highlights include Running with the Bulls in Pampalona and my long awaited visit to Barcelona.

2. India with Mathatanma Cote (A Hindu guide and Bombay taxi Driver) (Spetmeber 24th-October 6th)

Well this will be an adventure running through Rahjistan, Marharshma from Dehli to Bombay .
Adventures here might include the remake of the famous Peugeot 206 add, taking unuasual forms of transport including camels, ambasador cars, elephants and Indian sleeper trains.

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